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Ever been bugged lately and tried to solve it?? Here is your chance to do so! Crack your technical brain to unravel the mystery behind the bugs of the circuit. Do you have it in you to fester all your technical know-how to rectify the glitch and make it right? If so, then get ready to be bugged!! Team of 2.


Team Specification:

  1. A team may consist of maximum two members.

  2. Students of different colleges may also form a team


Event Details: The event will comprisse of three rounds:

  1. Round 1 (Prelims) : This round includes multiple choice questions,(20 questions-20minutes). The questions will be based on ' Electronics and circuits fundamentals'

  2. Round 2 (final) :This will include circuit debugging and design problem.(max 1hr).























Please Note:

  1. College ID card is COMPULSORY.

  2. Participants have to reach the venue atleast half an hour before the scheduled time.

  3. Decision of judges and event coordinators are final and binding to all.










For more details

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